The browser you've been waiting for has arrived! Brave

The browser you've been waiting for has arrived! Brave

Postby datastorage » Wed 21. Oct 2020, 16:06


Brave Browser wants to be the fastest browser and the best privacy protected browser.

Although the Internet is clearly controlled by Google and its Chrome, there are other browsers that insist on growing and presenting themselves as a viable and very interesting alternative.

Brave finally is stable

Brave is not a new browser. It has proven itself on the Internet and its credits are signed. The many users who already use it daily know of its usefulness and what it is mainly capable of offering.

With an installed base of 8.7 million monthly users, it guarantees them something that few can achieve. This is a very fast browser that can easily beat heavy competition. Much of this performance comes from its second main point.

The fastest browser on the Internet?

Being focused on the privacy it manages to give users, Brave eliminates the loading of many of the elements used later to follow users, as well as aggressive advertising that hinders users' navigation.

In a very simple way, you can guarantee that the navigation data is passed to the websites. This way you can keep the user anonymous, because it reveals only what is strictly necessary for the browsing experience to be pleasant.


Privacy is a requirement of this new proposal

Now, and after years of testing with new versions and new features, Brave has reached an important point. The ability to be used by everyone.

If you are looking for a fast browser with high levels of privacy, then Brave is the solution you are looking for. Just go to and start a new Internet browsing experience.
Posts: 541
Joined: Sun 20. Sep 2020, 17:37

by Advertising » Wed 21. Oct 2020, 16:06


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